Jungle Safari Activity

Nursery tots were a part of this activity. The main objective of this activity was to make sure that children understood the importance of plants and animals. T he connection between humans and animals is one of the most fundamental bonds that human beings experience. An awareness programme to build a healthy eco system.

Knowledge based Activity

Going beyond student learning and the personal learning which is essentially teachers’ professional development; we must also take into account the knowledge creation activities in schools which contribute to the general knowledge base. With regard to the above we had many knowledge based activities spread throughout the year.

1. Nadigalu

A session on Rivers of Karnataka : The importance of rivers, ways to save our rivers, rivers lifelines of our nation.

2. Granthalay

Trying to raise a responsible, cooperative child without age-appropriate boundaries is like trying to raise a goldfish outside its fishbowl. Far from squelching the spirit, rules are needed for kids to flourish. Importance of a Library and Library rules were made known to children.

Role Play

When children do role plays, they naturally become someone or something else. Role play stimulates their imagination and “enhances their social development, encourages friendship through cooperation, listening and turn taking”. Therefore, role play is a really vital activity for our children.

1. Mr. Cat’s Party

This roleplay was performed by the students of I ‘A’. It was short, entertaining and humourous.

2. The Tree and the Woodcutter

Save trees is a slogan used to motivate people to save trees and plant more trees in the surrounding areas by spreading the importance of trees among people . The students of II ‘A had a different way to convey the message and it was through a roleplay.