October 2018-19

Plastic Planet – Role play We depend on Plastic. Now we are drowning in it. The Plastic Planet roleplay from L.kg A Section was to ignite and inspire all to minimize the use of plastics. The tots were very enthusiastic in doing their bit.

September 2018-19

Role play – Everyone is special It was a unique role play by the students of I ‘C’. It showed the importance of all the numbers and how zero became a hero. Krishna Janmashtami Buntings are up, the lights on. Decorations adorn pathways at The Smart. It’s Krishna...

August 2018-19

Knowledge based Activity 1. Dining Manners It is never too early to start this process. Teaching table manners can start when the child is eating independently, old enough to sit at the table. Table manners taught in the early phases include teaching kids to not reach...

July 2018-19

Jungle Safari Activity Nursery tots were a part of this activity. The main objective of this activity was to make sure that children understood the importance of plants and animals. T he connection between humans and animals is one of the most fundamental bonds that...

June 2018-19

School Campus Walk: A Regular Feature at Smart School An ideal place which lets the children appreciate nature’s serenity and subtle gifts while still getting some exercise. Role play – Around the World Around the World Learning activities for little citizens involved...